Counsellor Kalgoorlie

Find an Online Counsellor for Counsellor Kalgoorlie

– All appointments for Counsellor Kalgoorlie will be online (zoom) or phone call –

Looking for an Online Counsellor for Counsellor Kalgoorlie  At In Mind Therapy, you can easily connect with leading psychologists, marriage counsellors and life coaches. Book now with a counsellor for Counsellor Kalgoorlie

What is Counselling?

Counselling varies between individuals, however people generally turn to counselling when they wish to improve their lives or explore their thoughts and feelings in more depth.

Counsellors do not dictate what you should do, but rather encourage you to share what you are experiencing to help uncover any root causes that could lead to unhelpful or unhealthy ways of thinking. With this knowledge, a Counsellor will offer treatment that is tailored to your personal experiences and that will be the most likely to bring change.

Types of Therapy

In counselling, there are different approaches, or therapies, that can be applied. The kind of therapy used will depend on the type of person the client is, the issues or problems you are facing, and the counsellor’s preferences. Most counsellors won’t decide on a therapy type until they have found out more about you, the problems you face and the way you think.

Common therapies include, but are not limited to, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), Interpersonal Therapy, Schema Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Humanistic Therapies, Art Therapy, and Mindfulness.

Do I Need Counselling?

All of us will most likely need some help in dealing with life’s challenges, yet most people are trying to overcome these issues and problems by themselves. It’s not a sign of weakness to reach out and ask for help and it doesn’t have to be a last resort.

If you feel slightly overwhelmed by things, or not satisfied with where your life and relationships are at right now, specialist counselling can help you get things back on track. You don’t have to go at it alone – and most people feel an improvement in their mood after just one session of counselling.

Counselling is an excellent source of support for individuals that are experiencing depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues. But counselling can also be the most effective way to deal with all the challenges that everyday life may present. Having a conversation with a professional counsellor can help you reduce stress, improve your relationships and even reach your personal goals.

What’s it Like to See a Counsellor?

Feeling nervous about meeting with a counsellor for the first time is normal and most people feel this way. It might take more than one session before you feel comfortable enough to open up about everything that’s going on with you, or you might feel better even after your first visit. It’s different for everyone. If you feel a bit unsettled after your first session, it doesn’t mean you should give up on the idea. Talk to your counsellor about it, and plan a way to deal with these feelings. It might take a few sessions before you start to see the benefits, so try to stick with it.

It’s also entirely possible that you don’t like the first counsellor you meet, or you don’t feel a connection with them. This is quite common. Finding a counsellor that is right for you is a bit like making a new friend, it won’t be with just anyone, but someone you trust and like. If you feel like you’re not connecting with the first counsellor you meet, keep trying new ones until you find one you like. You’ll know when it happens.

During your appointment, you’ll be encouraged to talk about your feelings and emotions with a professional counsellor, who’ll listen and support you without judging or criticising you in any way. The counsellor can help you achieve a better understanding of your feelings and thought processes and guide you to solutions that will help you overcome your problems.

Why In Mind Therapy on Counsellor Online?

At In Mind Therapy we aim to help individuals achieve their optimal well-being. It’s not about mental illness, it’s about mental wellness. We are an experienced organisation helping people suffering from a range of mental health conditions and relationship issues. If your mental health or relationship issues are affecting your day to day activities, here are some of the reasons you should reach out to us and book one of our online therapy services:

Our Counsellors and Psychologists are professional
Our In Mind Therapy therapists who service Counsellor Kalgoorlie online are well-trained, qualified, and personable. You can rest assured your needs will be addressed by experienced professionals who provide practical solutions. Our therapists will give you the help and tools you need to deal with any of life’s challenges.

Strategies tailored to your needs
Regardless of why you come to In Mind Therapy, our therapists will aim to employ the best strategy to help you achieve your goals. All strategies used are tailored to your specific needs and supported by empirical evidence.

We’re available wherever you are
In Mind Therapy is available in Counsellor Kalgoorlie , and all over Australia, via online (zoom) or phone appointment. All of our therapists offer online and phone appointments, no matter which clinic they are based in. This means you have an amazing range of therapists to choose from.

View our staff profiles here

Contact us today
If you want to learn more about how counselling can help you, get in touch with us. Call us on (07) 3520 9060, send an email through our Contact Us page, or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram. You can even book online (choose a Zoom appointment option).

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