Marriage Survey Welcome to your Marriage Survey Click on the blue 'Next' button below to get started! What do you think about the future of your relationship? a) I am happy and excited about the future of the relationship b) When we are having a good day I’m hopeful and happy for the future of the relationship c) I don’t any future in the relationship None How close is your partner to you? a) I feel they are very connected to me b) I sometimes feel connected with my partner c) I am frequently lonely and unconnected to my partner None How well does your partner really know you? a) I have shown my partner who I am all the good the bad and ugly, bad bits b) My partner knows a lot about me… but I keep the really ugly stuff away. c) My partner doesn’t know the real me. I fell they don’t know me very well at all. None How responsible do you feel when there is conflict in the relationship ? a) I own my part when things go awry and I try not to blame my partner unfairly b) I realise that I have a part to play in the conflict but I feel that is majority of the blame is on my partner c) If my partner would just change the way the act it would make things so much easier and fix the problem. None How much self-care do you give yourself? a) I look after myself and sleep well, eat healthily, exercise regularly and take time to have fun and recharge b) I try and look after myself when I can but eating well, taking time for myself or going to the gym is hard work and I often put it off until “tomorrow”. c) Life is far too busy and stressful at the moment to spend hours at the gym and the chance of taking some “me” time would be a fine thing None How much quality time do you spend together as a couple? a) We spend quality time together and I feel we connect with each other b) We try and spend time together, but we are so busy and never quite get enough time together. c) Can’t really recall the last time we spent quality time together. None How much criticism, defensiveness, contempt or silent treatment is there in your relationship? a) We have so much positive connection between us that those things rarely happen in our relationship b) Those things aren’t great for our relationship but sometimes when we are angry or upset – they just happen c) They feature heavily. It’s just the way things are None What happens when you disagree? a) We are good at finding solutions that work for us both b) We tend to take turns in compromising. Sometimes it’s my turn and sometimes it’s my partner’s turn c) I always get my way OR my partner always gets their way None What happens after an argument? a) I am quick to say sorry and forgive after an argument with my partner b) I don’t mind saying sorry if it’s my fault but I won’t apologise if it’s not c) I never apologise. No good ever comes of it None How much effort do you put into improving your relationship? a) I am open to trying new approaches in my relationship especially when I realise that what I am doing is not working b) I’ve tried lots of new things before but nothing ever seems to work very well c) Our relationship would be fine if my partner would just listen to me for once and put in some effort None How physically affectionate are you with each other? a) My partner and I hug and kiss regularly, we are sexually connected. b) My partner and I have sporadic moments of physical connection, but they are too few and fleeting c) I can’t remember the last time my partner showed any physical affection to me. None How do you deal with roles and responsibilities between you? a) I do not keep score of who does what and for whom in our relationship b) I try and make sure we both do the same amount of stuff for each other in our relationship c) In our relationship I always do much more than anything my partner does None How much do you prioritise your partner? a) I prioritise my relationship over all other relationships in my life b) The relationship with my partner is, along with my work, family and best friends, one of the more important relationships in my life c) I have never needed to put the relationship with my partner above other ones in my life None How do you view your future together? a) I enjoy dreaming about the future together with my partner b) It would be nice to have some time to think about the future together but things are hard right now c) The thought of spending another day with my partner either fills me with dread or fills them with dread None How much of a “we” are you? a) We are a strong team b) We can bring each other down if we aren’t careful c) We don’t often bring out the best in each other None Congratulations! You've made it to the end of the Marriage Survey. Enter your details below and click 'Submit' and we'll email you the results of your survey... Name Email Phone Time's up